Chris LeGrow on The Morning Blend (July 19, 2016)
Chris LeGrow on The BrOther Side Podcast (April 30, 2021)
"A unique blend of humor and crime novel action/adventure, Senile Squad: Adventures of the Old Blues is a terrifically fun read from beginning to end that will leave the reader looking eagerly toward the next Senile Squad adventure from the mind and imagination of author Chris LeGrow. Unreservedly recommended for community library General Fiction collections."
—Midwest Book Review, August 2016
"Senile Squad is a fun read. The protagonists are delightful, comical, and unfortunately, too realistic. With picturesque action, the book has everything, danger, romance, conflict, resolution, death, and most importantly a sense of doing the right thing. Who would enjoy Senile Squad? Naturally, law enforcement but also retirees would thoroughly enjoy this delightful gem that is just fun."
—Teri, Midwest Book Review, November 2016
Great story; Very well written!
Man, what an absolute delight! I loved this story from beginning to end. Growing up I was an Andy Griffith/Matlock fan and I could totally see him in this setting. The premise/summary makes it sound like it could be ridiculous and silly, but seriously, the author does a great job telling this story and weaving together action, excitement, detective work, heartwarming moments, and lots of humor.
—E. Thiessen
This book is great. It is a fresh concept, the characters are well written and you can easily like and sympathize with the good guys. The bad guys are also well written and you can even understand what contributed to why they became the way they are (even if you don’t like them). This book is fun to read, with many laughs. But, there is also a serious side and the author treats the subject matter with respect. Even though the final outcome became obvious, even though I hated for it to happen, it was well written and the character was treated with honor, respect and dignity; respect for the character and the reader.
I am looking forward to more of the Ol’ Blues adventures.
Unique Thriller with Great Characters
A group of wealthy business people decide to fund a retirement home for retired cops in Omaha, Nebraska. However, this is not just any retirement home. The Ol' Blues are being equipped to not only work with the community, but to help fight street crime. I won't go into more details due to spoilers.
This book is well-written and shows the importance of finding something to make us feel productive and useful when we retire. It is imaginative and well-executed. There are some very humorous and uplifting moments in this book, but there are also some very tense, sad, and disturbing scenes as well. I also believe it helped the book in that the author is a Detective with the Omaha Police Department's Special Victims Unit.
The characters are well developed and a variety of themes occur within the book including theft, gangs, murder, feeling useful, and even some romance. This book was entertaining with some laugh out loud moments as well as the more serious aspects of a thriller.
I highly recommend this fast paced book and I sincerely hope that there are other books coming in this series.